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Showing posts from January, 2018

Trump's State of the Union slogan was used before... by Hillary Clinton

A few hours before President Trump was slated to address the nation in his first State of the Union Address, the White House released a series of excerpts from Trump's prepared speech. But one of the catchiest slogans was actually coined by none other that Hillary Clinton. Whoops! SEE ALSO: Why I, a politics nerd, will never watch a Trump State of the Union Remembering accusations that First Lady Melania Trump plagiarized a speech by former First Lady Michelle Obama at the Republican National Convention in 2016, people poured over Trump's  excerpts to find any possible lifted material.  What immediately stood out was the declaration of a "new American moment," a phrase which Hillary Clinton used during her Senate confirmation hearing in January 2009 when she was appointed Secretary of State by then President Barack Obama.  Read more... More about Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , State Of The Union , Culture , and Politics from Mashable

The emotional support peacock that couldn't get on a flight also has his own Instagram

Can the saga of the airport peacock get any better? The massive bird also has his own Instagram . The "emotional support" peacock was denied entrance to a flight from Newark Airport on Sunday, despite his owner buying him his own plane ticket. However, Dexter the peacock is determined to get to Los Angeles and he's been posting about his journey on his Instagram , of course.  SEE ALSO: Enormous emotional support peacock denied seat on flight, owner not pleased Based in Brooklyn, Dexter lives with Ventiko , an artist affectionately referred to a "mom" in Instagram captions.  He likes to go on walks through New York. Read more... More about Instagram , Flight , Delta , Dexter The Peacock , and Culture from Mashable via IFTTT

Instagram gave brands a hot new feature, but still won't give users a chronological timeline

Instagram's latest update is totally here for you — as long as the you in question just so happens to be a major brand account on its platform.  That's right, as of today , businesses now have the ability to schedule posts. And new features are all good and fine, I guess, but what I'm really trying to say here is maybe Instagram could have released a chronological timeline instead? SEE ALSO: This was the year we turned on social media Sure, scheduling posts will help Wendy's social media team get that definitely important burger content to the company's followers at 2 a.m. or whatever, and Instagram's developers should be praised for making this crucial innovation possible, but maybe they could have instead spent some time building a toggle switch for users to turn off the terrible algorithmic timeline?  Read more... More about Instagram , Timeline , Social Media , Kevin Systrom , and Tech from Mashable via IFTTT

Investigation reveals that Australians didn't vote for Ferry McFerryface

When a public vote decided that Sydney's newest ferry would be named Ferry McFerryface, Australians were (understandably) annoyed.   As if our parliament wasn’t shameful enough. Ferry McFerryface is deeply embarrassing. Beam me up to New Zealand. 😞 — Antfarmer (@antfarmer) November 13, 2017 But according to Transport Minister Andrew Constance, Ferry McFerryface was what "the people vote for," so the local government made it official.  It is not everyone's cup of tea, but the people voted for it so we listened — Andrew Constance MP (@AndrewConstance) November 13, 2017 Read more... More about Australia , Boaty Mcboatface , Public Transport , Ferry Mcferryface , and Culture from Mashable via IFTTT

Wild Arctic weather: Siberian temperatures swing 100 degrees Fahrenheit in 2 weeks

On weather maps, the high pressure area looks like a pockmark in the Arctic. The reddish, almost pink blotch goes from far eastern Russia across the Bering Sea and up into the Chukchi Sea, extending well north, into the Arctic. The unusually strong high pressure area is sweeping anomalously warm air into Siberia, northeast Russia, parts of Alaska, and the Arctic Ocean. One community affected by the unusually high temperatures is the small Russian community of Omolon, where an all-time January high temperature record was reportedly set on Monday, when the temperature hit 3 degrees above Celsius, or 38.4 degrees Fahrenheit.  Read more... More about Climate , Science , Global Warming , Extreme Weather , and Arctic Ice from Mashable via IFTTT

Man writes heartfelt breakup letter to his gym to end his membership

If you've ever had the pleasure of entering a contractual agreement with a gym, you'll know that ending that agreement can be a difficult task. After moving out of state, Redditor Mastrrbasser needed to cancel his membership to Planet Fitness. But because Planet Fitness really doesn't want you to cancel your membership, they make it as difficult as possible, and required the man to write a certified letter. So that's exactly what he did, except he framed the whole thing like a breakup letter.  SEE ALSO: This guy's hilarious driver's license prank is enough to make going to the DMV fun "Certain events in my life have put me in a different place, and while it was one of the more taxing decisions I've made as of late, it is the right one," he wrote, adding that the purpose of the letter is to "end my relationship with Planet Fitness."  Read more... More about Funny , Break Up , Letter , Culture , and Web Culture from Mashable...

How to use Amazon Alexa to send SMS text messages

Amazon's Alexa just gained another useful new trick: It can now send text messages... but only if you have an Android phone. These are real text messages sent through your Android phone to other phones (doesn't matter what type) and not messages sent through the Alexa app. Here's how to do it. SEE ALSO: 10 things you should do now that you've welcomed Alexa into your life Enabling Alexa SMS messaging is really easy. First, you'll need to download the latest version of the Alexa app from the Google Play Store if you don't already have it installed. Then, go into the Conversations tab (that's message icon next to the home button). Tap on the person icon in the upper right corner, and then tap "My Profile" under your own name.  Read more... More about Iphone , Android , Amazon , Texting , and Alexa from Mashable via IFTTT

Why I, a politics nerd, will never watch a Trump State of the Union

Tonight, Donald Trump gives his first State of the Union address — a moment in history, a milestone in America's most bizarre presidency. And the only way I will watch this, or any future State of the Union that Trump may give, is if a goon squad straps me down and pull my eyelids open, Clockwork Orange -style.  I will peruse the transcript, both the one he's supposed to deliver and the one he actually delivers. I will gladly read a dozen commentaries; I'll even give a few minutes to the first dummy to get roped in by the grandeur and patriotism of the occasion and proclaim that here, finally, is the presidential pivot.  Read more... More about Trump , Trump Administration , State Of The Union , State Of The Union Address , and Culture from Mashable via IFTTT

With iOS 11.3, iPhone X owners will be able to approve kids' purchases with Face ID

Apple is about to make it much easier for parents to approve their children's purchases.  With iOS 11.3 , parents will finally be able to use FaceID, rather than a passcode, to approve transactions. The feature was first spotted by 9to5Mac.  SEE ALSO: Apple invests $390 million in the production of...lasers? After downloading the update, you'll have to sign in with your Apple ID and password the first time you approve a purchase. After doing that, you'll be given the option to enable FaceID for purchase approval. Once you select "Enable," you'll be able to approve your kids' purchases just by looking at your phone. While it has always been possible to approve purchases using Touch ID on older devices, this is the first time iPhone X users will be able to approve with Face ID instead of a code or password.  Read more... More about Iphone X , Parental Controls , Face , Ios 11.3 , and Tech from Mashable via IFTTT

Former Fox News host says Roger Ailes secretly watched female employees 'disrobe'

Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros has accused former Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes , who is deceased, of secretly recording video of female employees including Tantaros in their offices and other rooms where they frequently disrobed. The new allegations came out Monday in court papers that Tantaros submitted on her own behalf. Tantaros earlier filed the lawsuit against Fox News and Ailes in April 2017, in which she accused senior executives at Fox News of hacking her electronic devices and harassing her on social media. Tantaros filed another complaint in August 2016, which was rejected due to an arbitration clause of her employee contract, where she accused the late Ailes and former host Bill O'Reilly of sexual harassment. Read more... More about Sexual Harassment , Fox News , Roger Ailes , Andrea Tantaros , and Entertainment from Mashable via IFTTT

What to watch instead of Trump reading the State of the Union off a teleprompter

Once upon a better time, watching the State of the Union address each year was considered a civic duty. Now that Trump is president, it's rightly considered a spectacular waste of time.  Last year, Trump successfully read off a teleprompter for an hour straight and was deemed " presidential " by a bunch of CNN talking heads who somehow make more money than you. Few in the punditocracy cared about whether Trump would actually follow up on his promises. They were just thrilled to learn that our nation's commander-in-chief was borderline literate. Don't make the same mistake these people did, or maybe you even did last year. Don't watch the SOTU. Change the channel and learn something. Read more... More about Entertainment , Donald Trump , State Of The Union , Culture , and Movies Tv Shows from Mashable via IFTTT

A dragon may have just eaten part of Washington state

If you didn't believe dragons existed before, now you will. Yesterday @whalesafaris pointed out on his local weather channel that Everett, Washington, was about to be eaten by a dragon. Maybe that sounded like a bit of hyperbole, but the radar photos suggest otherwise.  @Q13FOX Weather - Everett, Wa is about to eaten by dragon — Aquatic Safaris (@whalesafaris) January 30, 2018 OK, so it's a storm in the shape of a dragon, but it's a very realistic dragon. Specifically Reptar from Rugrats , even though he's a dinosaur. Or that green dragon from DragonTales Or the green dragon from Game of Thrones . Really most dragons, one dinosaur. Read more... More about Watercooler , Weather , Rugrats , Dragon , and Q13fox Weather from Mashable via IFTTT