Beyoncé tried " The 22-Day Revolution " diet after she had her first child. The plan is a vegan , plant-based diet that eliminates all processed foods. Beyoncé wrote the foreword for the book and backed a meal-delivery service based on it. Business Insider's Kevin Reilly decided to try "The 22-Day Revolution" for himself, and it turned out better than he'd hoped. Kevin Reilly : If it worked for Beyoncé, it'll work for me. Right? My name is Kevin Reilly, and I'm a video producer for Business Insider. So I tried this vegan-diet challenge out, the 22-Day Revolution. It was an all-vegan, all-plant-based diet, kind of made famous by Beyoncé. She wrote the foreword to the book and actually had gone on it herself after her first child. I figured if it's going to work for her, it's got to do something for me. But as a meat eater, just moving away from everything that I was used to, I thought it was going to be daunting. And let me tell yo...
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